Comprehensive Pitching Biomechanics and Injury Prevention for Young Baseball Pitchers-A review

Fajar Awang Irawan, Long-Ren Chuang
Semarang State University, Indonesia
Chinese Culture University, Taiwan (R.O.C)

Baseball pitching injuries are common. In baseball, pitching biomechanics starts when the pitcher does set to wind up, and stride, then arm cocking, acceleration & deceleration, and follow through. Injuries due to errors in the biomechanics of pitching are commonly happened. The most frequent injuries reported and identified is in the upper extremities such as shoulder and elbow injuries. Education and protection are two key concepts in baseball injury prevention. The best time to try to prevent pitching injuries is at the beginning of a pitcher's career, when good pitching mechanics and good pitching habits can be developed, that mean pitcher can increase the skill to the next level. To accomplish this phase effectively, there are three main causes in young baseball pitcher injuries or reasons why pitcher injuries occur. The first is accident, the second is overload, and the third is biomechanical error in pitching.
key word: Baseball, pitching, injury

DOI: 10.6634/JPSS-CCU.201512.21.02
2016-03-21 14:34:36 (UTC+8)

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