A Biomechanical Baseball Pitching: Is the curveball generating higher risk of injuries than fastball on young pitchers?

Fajar Awang Irawan, Long-Ren Chuang, Hsien-Te Peng, Shih-Kuei Huang

Semarang State University, Indonesia
Chinese Culture University, Taiwan (R.O.C)
Chinese Culture University, Taiwan (R.O.C)
Chinese Culture University, Taiwan (R.O.C)

Purpose: In this review, we evaluate the mechanical curveball pitching type and the potential risk of injury on pitchers. Proper technique execution of those throwing may help pitchers to develop and increase control over ball flight-pattern, speed and accuracy. Several previous studies have argued if teaching curveball to young pitchers involves greater injury risk before the age of 13 years old. The purpose of this study was to compare the biomechanics between fastball and curveball of young pitchers to determine whether curveball pitching is more dangerous and has more risk of injuries than fastball. Methods: A thorough literature review was conducted using PubMed, SAGE, and Elsevier. The articles were searched from March 25, 2016 back to the earliest available time (1981). The search key-words included the terms: fastball and curveball pitching, pitching injuries in baseball, and injury risk in young pitchers. Results: This study indicated that curveball increased risk of shoulder and elbow injuries, and fastball had more risk than curveball because fastball pitching produced higher elbow extension velocity and maximum shoulder internal rotation velocity when it compared to curveball. This review also found that curveball has no more injury risk than fastball. Fastball demonstrated higher moments than curveball. Conclusions: Curveball produced less elbow proximal force than fastball, and curveball also produce less shoulder horizontal adduction torque and shoulder proximal force.
Key word: young pitcher, curveball, fastball, injury
DOI: 10.3966/2073326720161213002

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